Monday, April 15, 2019

WoW 1

Middle School years can be tough on kids, my daughter was no different.    I decided that I needed to provide her with a "thought for the day" , something she could focus on.  Words you impart to your child are always good, but seeing it in print seems to provide a lasting influence. 

For the past 5 years, every day when she gets out of the car to head into school, I text her her Words of Wisdom for the day.  I try to make it relevant for what she may be dealing with.  Whether she is walking in for an audition,  needs a boost of confidence, basic encouragement, or just something funny to make her laugh.  

I am not sure what she will tell you about it, but I can tell you it does this mamma's heart good when I get my return text of "thank you".  I would like to believe that it does make a difference in her day.  

Get ready for my "Words of Wisdom" from 5 years past and current...
Feel free to use and share if any of these touch your heart.

The winner of the week 😊

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