Monday, May 13, 2019

WoW 5

 Still riding high after seeing Hamilton last week, this week finds us wishing school was out already!  The end of the school year is always extremely busy with AP testing, finals, and banquets.

There was no specific theme to focus on this week, so the daily thoughts may seem scattered but there are reasons behind each one.

 Sometimes, you just want to get through the day but it is important to remember that each day is important and we should use it to our advantage.  Focus on a daily goal and achieve it.

 Don't let your dreams be dreams... now there is a thought.  Don't let your dreams stay as dreams, make them a reality. Every day counts toward making the dreams come true.

I have been extremely fortunate to have made a friend in high school that has remained my dear friend for 37 years.  We sat beside each other in  Health class.  You wonder how is it that we did become friends because there was an age difference between us,  she was a freshman and I was a senior.  Reflecting back, it was all set up in God's plan.  

My desire is for my daughter is to be gifted a friend such as this in her life. I trust that the Lord will give her such a blessing and He may have already done so.

 This one was inspired by the musical Hamilton, from the song
"The World Was Wide Enough" from the character Aaron Burr.  
'I was too young and blind to see
I should've known
I should've known
The world was wide enough for both
 Hamilton and me'

There is  value in teaching this to your child and us adults need to be reminded as well sometimes.  Whether you have difference of opinions or feel like you are in competition with someone else to achieve the same goal.
  The world is big enough for you both.  It is not necessary to cut someone else down to make yourself appear better. 


 It is great to be happy with yourself in life.  To grow and mature you need to have dreams.  You need to truly visualize yourself in the life you want to live and do your part to achieve that goal.  It will not just be handed to you.  

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