Monday, May 6, 2019

Hamilton WoW 4

Hamilton, one of my daughter's top 3  musicals of all time, what more needs to be said about this phenomenon. We gave her tickets for Christmas so she would be able to share it with her friends.  To say she is excited would be a gross understatement.  The touring company is in town and our tickets are this week ! We have been in prep mode for a while now,  listening to the soundtrack and deciding what to wear.

Her Words of Wisdom this week center around some of 
her favorite Hamilton Quotes.

I will say Hamilton is a wonderful production!  Seeing it on stage, for me, helps to make sense of what is going on in the songs since I am a  visual person.  Was it worth the healthy price of a ticket?  As a money conscience mom, not so sure... but as a mom who's daughter loves the musical,  has been waiting for 2 years for touring companies to perform and seeing your daughter light up from the experience, then yes, yes it is.  

Creating memories and providing life experiences are amazing gifts we can give our children.  I want to be able to hear my daughter later in life say "mom, remember when we did this, or remember when we did that?".   Collecting memories is far more important with my daughter than collecting material possessions.  

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