Monday, May 20, 2019

WoW 6

As we struggle to get the last couple of weeks of school completed, we  still find ourselves really just wanting to be done.  

There are times in life where we have to create our own joy. We can not let the circumstances we are in bring us down.  It is always good to remember that we are in charge of creating the joy we experience in our life.

There are many others in this world that have been given the same type of gifts as yourself.  It is important to remember that there are many people who do what you do, but no one can do it like you.

I have heard throughout my life time that Practice makes Perfect.  It should give us pause to reflect ... we are not perfect and neither are our actions.  I recently heard the phrase Practice makes Improvement.  I like that much better.  We can always strive to improve.

You need dreams in life to help fuel you along the way.  There are no limits to what you can dream.  Dreams and aspirations to achieve are essential in life, if not we are stagnate.  We need something to focus on to help keep us motivated.

There are days when one doesn't really want to practice or engage in their craft/trade of business.  I have never heard this comment before by Allen Iverson  "when you are not practicing, someone else is getting better."  That is good motivation needed to get your butt in gear.

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