What a wonderful summer we have had and now ready to begin back with new content for the school year. As you know, I started this back in 2014 as a way to provide my daughter with some thoughts to get her day started as she walked in to school. Hard to believe this will be her Junior year in high school …
Not sure if she is all together ready for beginning school back because it sure was nice not having all of the pressures that come with it. Believing you will have an amazing year is a key ingredient to getting the school year started.
It doesn't matter how young or old you are, buckling down and having to get back in a routine is never easy. Education is a key component in being successful in life. Before school started we talked about setting goals for the year. Writing them down helps to create the standard for the year. If you don't have them in writing then it is easy when the times get hard to say "well I never really wanted to do that anyway". Stating what you want to achieve is monumental in focusing to achieve them. "Set your goals high and don't stop until you get there" - Bo Jackson
When you have goals you want to accomplish, Abraham Lincoln said it best ,"The best way to predict your future is to create it". Wednesday was the day for her to remember the goals she set for herself this year to accomplish and go make them a reality.
Sometimes you just need to be reminded to smile and help others smile no matter what the day may bring.
First week of school is always busy. Getting back in routine, getting in all of the school clubs you want to be a part of, and theatre auditions … At first I really didn't understand why they would have auditions the first week of school for the productions of the year. The benefit is that you know what plays you made it into at the beginning of the year and you are able to schedule your life around those production times. The negative for me is that it really doesn't allow for growth during the school year. Friday and Saturday are the big days. Opportunities are not always going to be laid at your feet. Sometimes you need to go make your way by showing people what your abilities actually are.
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door"...
This summer my daughter focused on her Instagram singing channel, not necessarily to gain followers, but I think more to get used to singing in front of people and having a microphone on to help prepare for her auditions. Go make yourself noticed at auditions and make your own opportunities.
Auditions and call backs ... It will be a long day.
Stay focused on the goals and go "make it happen".
Stay focused on the goals and go "make it happen".
Let's go make this a ridiculously great year !