Monday, May 27, 2019

WoW 7

Time, something we all have but how we choose to spend it varies. Being intentional on what and how we spend our time is important.  Make it the things in life you enjoy.

At times, it sure feels like you don't have much control in your life.
Especially if things are not going your way.  One needs to remember on the "good days" and "bad days" that we are in control of our attitude and effort in those situations. 

 Spread the love ... isn't that what we all need to do, instead of all of the negativity that floats around.

The ability to admire someone else's gifts without questioning your own is a difficult process no matter how old or mature we think we are.  Embedding this trait in your child can be challenging but it is important to help them realize that the gifts they have been given are just as amazing as someone else's gifts.

If it doesn't open, it's not your door... the opportunities we have in life that we want to make a reality sometimes do not go our way.  When the door you are wanting doesn't open, it can be devastating. The building/teaching moments in our life are often times hard to accept. The answer may not be no, it may just be not right now.

Monday, May 20, 2019

WoW 6

As we struggle to get the last couple of weeks of school completed, we  still find ourselves really just wanting to be done.  

There are times in life where we have to create our own joy. We can not let the circumstances we are in bring us down.  It is always good to remember that we are in charge of creating the joy we experience in our life.

There are many others in this world that have been given the same type of gifts as yourself.  It is important to remember that there are many people who do what you do, but no one can do it like you.

I have heard throughout my life time that Practice makes Perfect.  It should give us pause to reflect ... we are not perfect and neither are our actions.  I recently heard the phrase Practice makes Improvement.  I like that much better.  We can always strive to improve.

You need dreams in life to help fuel you along the way.  There are no limits to what you can dream.  Dreams and aspirations to achieve are essential in life, if not we are stagnate.  We need something to focus on to help keep us motivated.

There are days when one doesn't really want to practice or engage in their craft/trade of business.  I have never heard this comment before by Allen Iverson  "when you are not practicing, someone else is getting better."  That is good motivation needed to get your butt in gear.

Monday, May 13, 2019

WoW 5

 Still riding high after seeing Hamilton last week, this week finds us wishing school was out already!  The end of the school year is always extremely busy with AP testing, finals, and banquets.

There was no specific theme to focus on this week, so the daily thoughts may seem scattered but there are reasons behind each one.

 Sometimes, you just want to get through the day but it is important to remember that each day is important and we should use it to our advantage.  Focus on a daily goal and achieve it.

 Don't let your dreams be dreams... now there is a thought.  Don't let your dreams stay as dreams, make them a reality. Every day counts toward making the dreams come true.

I have been extremely fortunate to have made a friend in high school that has remained my dear friend for 37 years.  We sat beside each other in  Health class.  You wonder how is it that we did become friends because there was an age difference between us,  she was a freshman and I was a senior.  Reflecting back, it was all set up in God's plan.  

My desire is for my daughter is to be gifted a friend such as this in her life. I trust that the Lord will give her such a blessing and He may have already done so.

 This one was inspired by the musical Hamilton, from the song
"The World Was Wide Enough" from the character Aaron Burr.  
'I was too young and blind to see
I should've known
I should've known
The world was wide enough for both
 Hamilton and me'

There is  value in teaching this to your child and us adults need to be reminded as well sometimes.  Whether you have difference of opinions or feel like you are in competition with someone else to achieve the same goal.
  The world is big enough for you both.  It is not necessary to cut someone else down to make yourself appear better. 


 It is great to be happy with yourself in life.  To grow and mature you need to have dreams.  You need to truly visualize yourself in the life you want to live and do your part to achieve that goal.  It will not just be handed to you.  

Monday, May 6, 2019

Hamilton WoW 4

Hamilton, one of my daughter's top 3  musicals of all time, what more needs to be said about this phenomenon. We gave her tickets for Christmas so she would be able to share it with her friends.  To say she is excited would be a gross understatement.  The touring company is in town and our tickets are this week ! We have been in prep mode for a while now,  listening to the soundtrack and deciding what to wear.

Her Words of Wisdom this week center around some of 
her favorite Hamilton Quotes.

I will say Hamilton is a wonderful production!  Seeing it on stage, for me, helps to make sense of what is going on in the songs since I am a  visual person.  Was it worth the healthy price of a ticket?  As a money conscience mom, not so sure... but as a mom who's daughter loves the musical,  has been waiting for 2 years for touring companies to perform and seeing your daughter light up from the experience, then yes, yes it is.  

Creating memories and providing life experiences are amazing gifts we can give our children.  I want to be able to hear my daughter later in life say "mom, remember when we did this, or remember when we did that?".   Collecting memories is far more important with my daughter than collecting material possessions.