Sunday, September 8, 2019

WoW 22

"Give a girl the right shoes & and she can conquer the world"... wonderful words to think about for my daughter who's desire is to be in musical theatre.  Doubtful my interpretation of what Marilyn Monroe  said is accurate to her intention, however it applies in getting the message I wanted to send.  If you have developed the right tools in life you will be successful and conquer the goals you set for yourself. 

"Be faithful to your own taste  because nothing you really like is ever out of style" The importance of being unique and not following the crowd is important.  Whether it is the clothes you like to wear, how you style your hair, music you like to listen to, etc... The ability to be unique is a great quality to have.  We all (adults as well as kids) want to fit in.  The pressures are high in school to not draw attention to yourself by being different.  Does that mean you need to silence your interests because it is not a popular interest in the eyes of others?  

We race through life waiting to get to the next highly anticipated event.  Think of all the enjoyment we might miss out on rushing around.  We should enjoy each moment because they won't come again.  Even on the "not so fun" days those can be character building days which are just as important as the joyful times.  That is a difficult concept for adults let alone kids to grasp.

Patience can be a difficult trait to develop however necessary throughout our lifetime.  It doesn't matter what we need the patience for, our ability to have a good attitude while waiting makes those around you wish they had your patience.  Why be down and sulky while waiting when you can go about life in a happy and positive way.

 "The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet."  The ability to march to the beat of your own drum can be hard for some.  Some are wired to do it and some are not.  Can you imagine having the ability to chase your dreams without needing others to validate your abilities?  That requires confidence in your own abilities. Developing and maintaining that confidence is a life long challenge.

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